The thoughts and position papers uploaded here do not attempt to provide the frame of the conference nor do they claim to convey the correct way of reading Deleuze and Guattari. They are meant primarily for those who may need some exposure to things Deleuzo-Guattarian, before they attend the conference. They are mood-enhancing rather than commentaries and interpretations.
- Introduction and overview (Constantin Boundas)
- What Difference does Deleuze’s Difference make? (Constantin Boundas)
- Αρχιτεκτονική και Deleuze-Guattari (Vana Tentokali and Mimi Chatzisavva)
- Deleuze and Guattari and the Political (Ilias Papayannopoulos)
- De la ritournelle-Cosmos à la puissance du son. Cinq essais pour écouter Mille plateaux (Makis Solomos)
- Ο νομαδικός εμπειρισμός του Ζ. Ντελέζ (Panayiotis Sotiris)